

好多年后,人们再问起我,那一路是否感觉到孤单与漫长。我说恰恰相反, 我记住的是漫天星光与一路歌唱

是的,人总会有独自走一段夜路的经历。很多年后,当别人问起那段经历,你不会诉说那个夜晚的寒冷与幽暗,你会说那天都是漫天的星光和一路歌唱。你不是在刻意地美化那段人生, 你只是在提醒自己,不要沉沦在逆境中无法自拔。

People who always have experiences of walking alone on a night road. Many years later, when someone asks about that experience, you won’t describe the cold and darkness of that night. You’ll say that there were stars shining all over the sky and you sang all the way. You’re not deliberately beautifying that part of your life, you’re just reminding yourself not to sink into adversity and be unable to extricate yourself.